In the year 1964, famous author William Saroyan took a journey to his birthplace in Bitlis, located in historic Armenia. This docu-drama traces the actual path of that journey and aims to understand Saroyan’s unique attitude to belonging, witnessing the self-discovery of a man who followed the traces of his Armenian ancestors. Produced by Hamshen Armenian brothers Soner Alper, who have delighted POM attendees with some of their past films incuding; MOMI at POM III, AUTUMN which was awarded Best Feature Film at POM IV, MOTO GUZZI FROM KARS screened at POM VI and FUTURE LASTS FOREVER from POM VII. Lusin Dink is the niece of the late Hrant Dink and this is her debut feature as a director.
Saroyan Ülkesi / SaroyanLand Directed By Lusin Dink Production Year: 2013 from Nar Film on Vimeo.