A dark comedy-drama about a suicidal doorman named Abner, who blames himself for the death of a woman who died in a car crash he survived. One year has passed since the accident, and Abner’s life has come to a halt. He spends lonely nights working the graveyard shift, and haunting days trying to take his own life. After meeting Zoe, a free spirited young taxi driver who helps him look at his present life with a new light, Abner finally begins a quest for redemption, and attempts to reconcile his conflicted past. Shirinian is a POM favourite and two-time POMgrant recepient. His previous short films, Song of Slomon (POM III), Les Softies (POM V) and The Last Bang, have all been major hits at the festival. The hilarious Last Bang was the winner of the Best Short Film at POM II.
IT WAS YOU CHARLIE – FILM TEASER from Spiral Entertainment Ltd. on Vimeo.